Young dogs are especially susceptible to cold-weather problems for the same reasons they’re so adorable: all that puppy energy. To address your puppy’s high energy, consider giving him a good supply of hard chew toys, which can really help burn ...

Trimming the Coat When you trim the coat after the bath, focus on the fur on the hind end, the fur under the stomach, the feathers on the legs, and the fur on the top side of the paws. Don’t ...

New ways of working have been implemented so that adoption applications can be completed by telephone and e-mail with discussions to guide the potential matches. Adopters are from a pre-approved pool of applicants. Potential families are even sometimes able to ...

Many experts are advocating that pet owners start to shift the routines back a little at a time to what they were before. Cats may have reacted differently to all the family closeness than dogs. “Not surprisingly, the majority of ...

Comforting Pets with Separation Anxiety Whenever you spend extra time at home, your pet may be the happiest member of the household. While the height of the pandemic was a great time to strengthen that bond, it’s important to remember ...

If your trip requires airplane travel, think carefully before bringing your pets along. Plane travel is stressful for any pet, especially if they are traveling in the cargo section. Unless it’s unavoidable, we don’t recommend it. Advanced and careful preparation ...

Remember, the next day when you go to take your dog outside, that there may be leftover items from the fireworks or just from your barbecue that can be very harmful. Lighter fluids, citronella candles, and insect repellants can irritate ...

Taking care of a dog is very rewarding, except for when you have to pick up piles of fluff shed by your dog. Not only does cleaning up loose dog hair suck, but the mess created by it in your ...

If you think fleas and ticks are all about itching, skin rashes and irritation for your feline, you are flirting with danger. Both of these parasites are well-capable of making the lives of our furry companion miserable and causing a ...

We are certain that you take extra measures to maintain your dog’s health by feeding nutritious diet, taking him out for exercise and giving him dog supplements. But are dog supplements really required? There is a lot of confusion regarding ...